Saturday, May 14, 2016

Wonderful Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's Day with the family.  Kelsey insisted I have breakfast in bed so I could use my new plate she decorated in preschool.  We don't have trays in the house so Mark used Evan's highchair tray.  After a delicious breakfast we went to Six Flags with our friends the Shaeffers who have season tickets and could get us in for free.  It was a perfect day.  Mark, Tim, and Emily would ride a roller coaster and not have to get off because there was no one in line.  

 Evan was waiting for Kelsey on the swings and so he rode a ride by himself.  So cute!

Kelsey and Emily did this one together.

 My four kids!  This picture shows them off perfectly.
 Mark riding with Evan.

 Thanks Katie and Tim!!!  We had a GREAT time!!!

 We also visited my godson, Xavier, my mom, and godmother Linda.  Aunt Leatha was also there, Linda's sister, and she had a very special treat for the kids.  Xavier played piano for us as well.  Thanks Linda and Paul!!!!

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