Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Video

Here are 2 videos from Christmas day.  Enjoy!

Wonderful Christmas

Kelsey was very blessed this holiday season.  We were thrilled to have family from North Carolina (Aunt Melissa, Uncle Shawn, and Cousin Nathan), PA (NanNan and PopPop) and MD (Grandma and Grandpa) at our house for Christmas.  Cousin Nathan was a big help in opening presents with everyone.  There's nothing like watching Christmas through the eyes of a 3 year old.  Kelsey got in the unwrapping spirit and caught on with how to open presents.  Thanks to all who made this a special Christmas for Kelsey!!!  Enjoy just a few pictures from our day!
Kelsey's first gift was from NanNan and PopPop.  It's a train she can walk and ride on.  Very fun and motivating for her to learn how to walk.

NanNan and PopPop also brought Nathan a Hess truck which kept him very busy while we took breaks between opening presents.  They enjoyed buying for a little boy again.

Mark was in the kitchen most of the day preparing a wonderful cranberry glaze for the ham.  There are his sous chefs helping get the potatoes ready.

 Grandpa made it after church and helped open presents.  Kelsey got some bouncy balls to play with and Nathan some Play-Doh toys.

Here is the family sitting down for dinner (left) and Mark opening his gift from Kelsey, a mandolin.  The kitchen cutter, not the instrument.

 Since Kelsey has been such a good girl, Santa brought her a rocking chair which she loves to sit in. It is hand-painted with Noah's Ark on it. 

Christmas wasn't complete without Skyping with Florida.  We watched Grace open her presents.  Chad and Mark opened their gifts that were the same from Joan.  It was a "power hat" which is a ball cap with lights on it. 

We can not say enough how thankful we are to have all of you in our lives.  Thanks for everything...Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

From all of us, but especially the little one.
Open this one,  it's adorable!!

I love my stocking!
It wouldn't be Christmas Eve without Pop pop reading "Twas the Night before Christmas..." (the book is recorded and plays whenever Kelsey, or anyone else, opens it).

She clearly has a favorite character...

Belated 11 Months

Sorry for the delay in Blogs.  With all of the hustle and bustle in our lives we have been teaching Kelsey how to blog and it's taking her longer to pick it up. 

The holiday season has been very busy for us.  Kelsey is a mover a shaker and keeps us on our toes.  She is pulling herself up on everything and crawls here, there, and everywhere.  Grandpa took her to Annapolis Mall on Dec. 21st.  Here they are in the play area. 



Monday, December 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Aunt Melissa!

While we were in North Carolina for Thanksgiving, we got to celebrate Aunt Melissa's birthday!  While her birthday was actually Friday, we switched it up and did her birthday on Thursday.  Nathan helped Grandma make the birthday cake!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Thanksgiving Take 2

For the actual week of Thanksgiving we all piled in the all-wheel drive sleigh and traveled to visit Aunt Melissa, Uncle Shawn, and Cousin Nathan.  Uncle Shawn had to work on Thursday (the life of photogs), so we celebrated Thanksgiving on Friday.  Everyone got to help out with dinner.

Peeling the potatoes.

Making the stuffing.

Great Uncle George traveled with Aunt Connie from Colorado to be with
us for Thanksgiving.  It was great having them there.

Kelsey loved Nathan's Trucks!

They played well together (eventually).

Some of us got to enjoy dinner outside!

Daddy reading to Kelsey and cousin Nathan

Below is a family pic of everyone. A Great time!