I'm going to play "catch-up" on pictures. Mark and I finally figured out a way for me to blog quicker on my wonderful Google Chrome laptop so hopefully this will help, so enjoy the months in review and I'll keep on top of things in the New Year, fingers crossed.

Here is Kelsey putting on the first ornament of our Christmas tree on Dec. 12th. We put on some ornaments that night and then stopped, luckily for us since the tree ended up falling down a few nights later. The children were in bed and no ornaments were broken so it was all good. We now have sandbags keeping our tree upright. Doesn't everyone?
On Dec. 20th Madded, Evan's godbrother, was in town with his parents coming back from California with his mom. We love living where we do because everyone stops to see us when they are flying. The kids exchanged gifts and we got a few pictures of them. Don't you just love Madden's hat?
The next weekend we put on our star. We had to make sure the tree wouldn't fall again. :-) Great job Kelsey!!! Next year it's Evan's turn.
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