Follow the crazy lives of the Smiths, as we begin the adventures of parenthood.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Kelsey and Evan Time!
Kelsey has been doing a lot of big sister to little brother talk. She likes to move her chair near him either while he is in the high chair or in his bouncy seat and tell him things. I've been trying to a few of these moments on tape. Here is a moment between the two of them on June 1st.
Jari Reading
Aunt Jari came over for lunch at my parent's house on June 4th and read to the kids. Evan wanted to read right along with her, it was soooo cute!
Monday, June 23, 2014
Strawberry Picking
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Tunnel Fun
Kelsey loves playing in the basement with her tunnel. These were taken on May 29th while Evan was taking a nap. :)
Odenton Fire Station Carnival
On May 25th we went to the Odenton Fire Station Carnival with friends from church. Kelsey and Zeke had a great time riding the rides along with the adults who got to go on for free with them while Evan and Xander hung out.
Xander hanging out in the stroller while Evan hangs out in the harness.

The flying ride on their tummies was one of the favorite rides. I'm not sure what purpose an adult riding next to the kids did, because it didn't stop Zeke from turning all the way around when the ride was over. Good thing he didn't do that up in the air. :-)

Xander hanging out in the stroller while Evan hangs out in the harness.
The flying ride on their tummies was one of the favorite rides. I'm not sure what purpose an adult riding next to the kids did, because it didn't stop Zeke from turning all the way around when the ride was over. Good thing he didn't do that up in the air. :-)
Look closely at the car in the middle. Zeke is on the right and Kelsey the left peeking their heads out and looking over. Hopefully Zac and Mark were holding them tight!
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Happy Father's Day!
For Father's Day Grandpa came up for dinner and we had a lovely evening playing outside swinging, taking walks, and eating dinner. Happy Father's Day to all of the Daddies out there!!! Sorry we didn't get to see you PopPop!
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Pool Time at the Bosler's
Did I mention when we were in Florida I forgot our battery charger for the camera? So frustrating now that I'm looking back at pictures that I missed some moments, but we do with what we can. On May 18th Aunt Tammie and Randy from PA met Evan for the first time in in FL. On May 19th we went swimming at the Bosler's pool in their backyard. Kelsey had been working on her jumping in and swimming. Hopefully the video will show up on how well she was doing.

We got to the beach on May 17th. It was a WINDY day, but we still had a good time. I wish I took a picture of them, but there were dozens of wind surfers out on the water which was awesome to watch. It was too windy to have the umbrella up, so we had to keep the boys covered so they wouldn't get sand in their eyes or sun on their skin. This is why there are no pictures of Evan's face on his first trip to the beach. Next time!
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Aunt Karlee's wedding was on the beach with a perfect overcast day, so it wasn't too hot. The kids had a great time dancing, sleeping, and playing with glow sticks. Congrats Aunt Karlee and Uncle Kenny!
Grandma made the boys new "dressy" bibs to wear to the fancy occasion.
Can you tell which one is which?
Evan was the first picture and Matthew the second. :)
Grace was the flower girl and asked that her hair be made up like Elsa from the movie "Frozen." The girls had a blast together!Grandma made the boys new "dressy" bibs to wear to the fancy occasion.
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